Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Time Flies

A scientist would tell you that the days between December 26, 2010 and November 19, 2011 passed at exactly the same rate that the ones between November 19, 2011 and today have passed. It seems impossible to believe that this is true. (There are probably some super nerds who would have some advanced mathematics to dispute this. Let it rest folks.) The latter have passed so much more quickly than the former did. As a matter of fact, the last 12 months since Lloyd stepped of the plane have just sped by us.

The last year, we have spent a good deal of time adjusting to not just living in the same state but actually living in the same small apartment. Add that to working, spending time with family and friends, and some occasional relaxation, life has been full. We have also been spending a lot of time talking to the Big Guy and trying to figure out what He has planned for us as well as when and where. Those are some pretty big questions, and we would appreciate prayers for discernment as we go forward.

On the upside for all of you.....we now have actual internet at our apartment. There's a chance that the blog will be updated more frequently. We'll see how things go.

God Bless!

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