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February |
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February |
A couple of months ago, I shared a couple of pictures of the little girl's bedroom. It was my intention to work on getting the room to look like a child's bedroom/playroom instead of a storage mess that happened to have a crib in it. As anyone with functioning eyeballs can see, it was a mess. The really bad part is that this was AFTER I had been working on cleaning for a while. Now, I would like to be able to say that I got it all squared away that day and that it looked fantastic after just that day; that would be a lie. If anything, in the two and a half months since then, the room had gotten a whole lot worse. I was feeling really guilty about not having a nice place for the little girl. I just never had that extra push to get me into action. Then, two things happened to change that. My dad dropped off the mattress and box spring that he said that he'd give us, and a wonderful friend gave us a toddler bed.
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Day 2 |
Here we were with nice things and no place to put them. It was the extra push that I needed to get to work.
Part of the reason why I had not made much progress on the bedroom was that there were so many things that needed to be done outside of the room for anything to happen. There was organizing the items in the attic to make more space, hanging the guitars and banjo to clear items from under the bed, organizing the linen closet to make room for items currently stored in the bedroom..... The list continues for what seems like forever.
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Day 2 |
With the requisite kick in the pants, work began. I knew that there was a fair bit of stuff under that twin bed, so I set to work getting it all new homes. Guitars have now been hung nicely in our room, a box of stuffed animals and decorations was unpacked, and the lettering for the Bible quote has now been put on the wall in the living room. I also moved more boxes in the attic than I'd like to admit are even stored up there in order to make room for the beds that needed a home up there. Despite having finals this week and needing to make sure that he was in a good position to do well on them, Charlie pitched in for his fair share. Together we took apart the twin bed in the bedroom and took the frame, two mattresses, two box springs, and a few other large items to the attic for storage. The rest of the bedroom was going to be a one person job, so Charlie went to work on his own projects with the car, trailer, and garage on top of any studying that he needed to do. (The bedroom is not that big, and with how much clutter was in there, there was not enough room for both of us.)
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Day 3 |
A certain little girl served in her customary supervisory capacity for the lion's share of the three days of work. She clearly wanted to make sure that her room looked good when it was done. I was really impressed with her level of patience while she played quietly in her crib for hours on end.
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Day 3 |
There is obviously still more work to be done. That pile of stuff by the closet needs a new home, and there are still more boxes in the closet in need of sorting. At the same time, I do feel a lot better about the overall condition of the room. At least it looks like a bedroom now.
It wasn't all work and no play these last couple of days. We did get to the library for Little Movers Storytime this morning. Somebody really likes the chance to see all sorts of new people. I like the fact that there aren't a lot of kids smaller than her, so she's not likely to accidentally tip them like she has been known to do. She is, for right now at least, pretty good at sharing toys with the other kids and just loves the toys and books that they scatter around the room after the story is finished.

Have a wonderful week!