Elska spent a lot of time trying to play with her cousin. Unfortunately, three months old is a little young for playing catch and the toys kept hitting her in the face. After a day or so, she did figure out that tickling her feet and helping bounce the seat were better ways of playing. They spent the rest of the week having a grand time that involved lots of giggles and squeals. Elska also attempted to teach some dance moves. We'll see how well those lessons worked out in a few more months.
In other exciting news, Elska got her first book in Spanish, has learned to how to cough just for the fun of it (and to get her Papa to laugh as she "hocked up a big luge"), has started waving specifically at people instead of just randomly, had her first visit to the zoo, went to her first fish fry, and got her first string of beads.
As much fun as we've had, it will be nice when we head back home tomorrow. I miss Charlie, and Elska really misses her daddy. And her doggie. But mostly Daddy.
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